
My Instagram may be more reflective of what I'm currently working on as I don't tend to update my website that often sorry!


      💦💦⛲️ ’ Get out of the fountain please mate!’ ⛲️ 2023 💦

                       ceramic & epoxy sculpture

'My heart is going to explode', 2023, Ceramic, Epoxy, Sound. (WIP) includes a sound piece played from a mini speaker inside. Click here to listen

The sounds consists of a 40-minute-long endless I heart radio bumper transitions into songs. The song never comes on its just that crazy poorly remixed racket that they play while the host is clearly trying to sort something before coming on. 

Rhian, Gwen & Bethan, 2023, Ceramic, Epoxy and wax, figures from The Môr the Merrier. The radio play I have been writing. Click here to listen 

Gwen figure, 2023, Ceramic, epoxy and wax

Man of the match heads, 2023, Ceramic 

'Saint' 1 of 'Voyeur, Theif, Saint', 2023, part of a trio of donation box sculptures. (WIP), Ceramic handbuilt toilet 

'Hatstand' Ceramic and wood, 2022, Chicago, Illinois

'Spiked Knot', Ceramic, 2022

'Chair', Ceramic, 2022

'Lava Dog', Ceramic with Lava Glaze, 2023






Princess and the pea hair clip (My Halloween costume)

